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Monday-Saturday 8. 00-17.00
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About us

Republican Specialized Scientific Practice Medical Center of Pediatrics


VIII congress of pediatricians of uzbekistan “providing medical care to children at the stages of reforming the health care system of the republic of uzbekistan” October 15 – 16, 2019, Tashkent


+998 (71) 229-38-47


+8 (371) 229-38-76


Республиканским специализированным научно-практический медицинским центром Педиатрии Министерства здравоохранения Республики Узбекистан объявляется электронный тендер. Подробности по ссылке cкачать



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Republican Specialized Scientific Practice Medical Center of Pediatrics

Since first days of Independence, maternal and child health care as well as forming healthy generation as a future of Uzbekistan is one of the important priorities of national policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At present, in Uzbekistan, the line (a number of) of maternity complexes and pediatric institutions equipped with modern medical and diagnostic facilities were established both in cities and regions.

The common structure of specialized care for children including the Republican Specialized scientific – practical medical Center and 13 regional multi-disciplinary medical institutions were set up.

RSSPMC of Pediatrics is an independent specialized medical institution performing medical- preventive and scientific-methodical activity in the field of child population treatment in the republic.

Republican Specialized Scientific Practice Medical Center of Pediatrics

 The Republican Specialized scientific – practical medical center of pediatrics makes a valuable contribution to the achievements of the program “Healthy mother- healthy child”.

The center was established on the basis of the Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics of Health Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of Presidential Decree №3923 from 19.09.2007 “About main directions of further management of the reforms and implementation of the State Program for Health Development”, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 02.10.2007 PP-700 “About measures on improving of management of medical institutions in the republic” and the Resolution of Ministers Cabinet № 145 from 21.05.2000.

Focus objective of our Center is to create a unique scientific base, and our pediatric school is designed to provide specialized care to the children at highest quality level and in accordance with international standards.

Focus directions of the center :
— To protect of the children and adolescents health care and implementation of the State Concept of healthy generation.
— To improve the supporting of highly specialized medical care for children’s population.

“Let`s make sure that our children are always healthy and happy.”

About center

In site pages, you will be acquainted with the activities of our center aimed at the most important wealth of our country –children health care.

Due to the continuous modernization process in our Center we equipped with most modern medical – diagnostic equipment and human resources, which in turn enables our Center to carry out the scientific research and provide high technological medical performances in various pathologies, starting from neonatal period including cochlear implantation and reconstructive-plastic surgery.
One of the important directions of the Centre on improvement of the quality of medical care for children and the reduction of child mortality in the country is the implementation of WHO / UNICEF technologies in areas of neonatal intensive care, breastfeeding and good nutrition, child growth monitoring and development, supplementation of essential micronutrients for children and integrated management childhood illnesses. There are trained special coordinators and national trainers in the center.

Helpful resources

Press service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Government Portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Official interactive state portal
National informational agency of Uzbekistan
Legislative Chamber of Supreme Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Senate of Supreme Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Center management

  • Director


    Abdukayumov Abdumannop Abdumadjitovich

        Author of more 40 scientific papers.

    Member of the Association of Otolaryngologists of Uzbekistan, of the World Federation of Otorhinolaryngology and European Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons…
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  • Deputy Director


    Мирсалихова Наргиза Хайруллаевна

       Н.Мирсалихова 1994 йил Тошкент педиатрия тиббиёт институтини тамомлаган.










Ambulatory care


Newborn pathology

Pediatric surgery

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We present to you EULAR’s “Don’t delay, connect today” Toolkit in Uzbek and Karakalpak languages, prepared on the basis of the ILAR 2023 International Grant Project

The ‘Don’t Delay, Connect Today’ campaign aims to educate the general public, physicians, health professionals, and policy-makers about the importance of early diagnosis and timely access to evidence-based treatment in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs).

Persistent joint and muscle pain, extreme fatigue, stiffness and depression are all symptoms of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs). The term Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease (RMD) encompasses a wide range of conditions, from rheumatoid arthritis and lupus to fibromyalgia and gout. They affect women and men of all ages including children and babies. If not treated appropriately, daily activities are affected – reducing quality of life and impacting on physical abilities. If pharmacological treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is started within 12 weeks after the onset of symptoms, this could minimise the level of joint impact over time and increase the chances of remission. Early intervention with information, exercise and weight reduction may reduce pain and disability caused by osteoarthritis, reduce the risk of comorbidity and the need for joint replacement surgery.
You can download the “Don’t delay, contact today” Toolkit in Uzbek and Karakalpak languages below:
Please do reach out to us if you have any queries.



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