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On February 28, 2019 RSSPMC of Pediatrics, TashMPI, the Association of Pediatricians of Uzbekistan organized a scientific-practical conference with international participation “Vitamin D: importance in the protection of maternal and child health.” After the grand opening, the first report on the topic: “Vitamin D and its importance for human health” was made by prof. Pawel Pludowski, Children’s Health Memorial Institute, Warsaw, Poland. Professor Pludowski is the head of the Department of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine, one of Europe’s leading specialists in the clinical aspects of vitamin D biochemistry, and co-author of the European Clinical Recommendations for Vitamin D.
Republican data on the status of vitamin D in children were announced by the Director of the RSSPMC of Pediatrics, the Chairman of the Association of Pediatricians of Uzbekistan, MD, Prof. Ahmedova Dilorom in the report: “Results of determining the vitamin D status in children and recommendations for developing a program for the prevention of vitamin D deficiency in Uzbekistan”.
At the end of the conference, was heard the report of Kayumova Dilrabo, MD, Associate Professor of the Department Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 of TMA, a leading specialist in the study of vitamin D in gynecology in the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic: “Vitamin D and the continuity of health of generations.”


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