
And we continue to celebrate Navruz …. A special gift for all guests is the performance of children after cochlear implantation, as well as pupils of Muruvvat uyi. We share with you how beautifully they read poetry, sing and dance!!!!! Catch the vibe, sing with us !!!!!

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The RSSPMC of Pediatrics celebrated the arrival of spring – Navruz!!!! The festive table was attended not only by the staff of the Center, but also guests from afar – Svetlana Burnos (Belarus), a specialist in musical rehabilitation of children with hearing problems, and Milan Profant (Slovakia), Secretary General of the World Organization of Otolaryngologists.


On March 10, 2023, an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to orphan diseases “Bolalarda kam uchraydigan (orphan) kasalliklarni tashhislash va davolashning dolzarb muamolari” was held at the RSSPMC of Pediatrics! Leading scientists of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Sweden shared their scientific developments. During the conference, such…


Середина октября была богата на научные события. Начнем с дальнего зарубежья. 12-15 октября хирурги РСНПМЦ Педиатрии Аваз Дехконбоев, Акмаль Ахмаджанов и Рустам Юлдашев приняли участие с докладами в 7th World Congress of Pediatric surgery в Чехии. 20-22 октября научные сотрудники отдела гастроэнтерологии Геллер Светлана и Азизова Гульноза представили свой постерный доклад на 19-м Международном симпозиуме…


BREAKING NEWS!!! On the Day of the Medical Worker in the Center of Pediatrics, another holiday!!!!! GARIPOVA ZUKHRA SPARTAKOVNA, doctor of the department of hepatology, was awarded the chest sign “For contribution to the development of medical tourism in Uzbekistan”. Congratulations from all our hearts!!!!!! And we wish you good health, happiness and further success…


We would like to share an interesting clinical case. Patient is 4 years old. She was hospitalized in the cardiorheumatology department of our center for inpatient treatment with complaints of elbow and knee pain, restricted movement, inability to walk, and the presence of hard formations under the skin. From the medical history: 3 years ago,…


Specialists of the center, head of the 1st surgery department, A. Dehqonboev, and doctor of the pulmonology department, F. Mukhamedov, were on a business trip to the city of Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan on April 21-23, 2022. During the trip, they examined and gave advice to patients who were treated at the Republican Children’s Multidisciplinary…


On April 18-20, 2022 employees of the Republican Specialized Pediatric Scientific and Practical Medical Center, Head of the Department of Pathology of Young Children M.N. Boltaboeva and Head of the Department of Neurology D.A. Shagiyasova went on a business trip to the Bukhara region. During the trip, they examined and made recommendations to patients who…


04/21/2022 Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Pediatric Center, Department of ENT Audiologists: Doctors of the highest category Nuriddinova D.Kh., Abdukamilova M.M. Together with the Zamin Foundation, 196 children underwent audiology diagnostics in the 80th special school for hearing-impaired children in the city of Almalyk.


From April 25 to April 29, 2022, consultations, operations and master classes by Professor Caglar Batman-President of the Cochlear Implantation Association (Turkey) were held at RSSPMC of Pediatrics. He has over 50,000 successful cochlear implant surgeries to his work life.

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