
On February 22, 2020, the International Hotel hosted an educational conference “TOPICAL ISSUES OF RESPIRATORY MEDICINE IN PEDIATRIC. STEPS TO HEALTH ”. The guests of honor and lecturers were: -Geppe Natalya Anatolyevna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor – Malakhov Alexander Borisovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Event organizers: Ministry of Health of the Republic of…


Today is a joyful event! RSSPMC of Pediatrics became a member of the Association of Medical Tourism of Uzbekistan. Thanks to all our staff. This would have been impossible without you. Because you are the best.


From January 18 to 22, at the RSSPMC of Pediatrics, the demonstration operations of Professor Caglar Batman (Istanbul, Marmara University) were held with the participation of the Center staff. Such unique high-tech surgeries have been performed as: Cochlear Implantation in a child with deafness, which developed after purulent meningitis with partial and complete ossification of…


On January 25, 2021, the first telemedicine session was organized by the department of gastroenterology of the RSSPMC of Pediatrics (MD Umarnazarova Z.E.) and the Fergana REGIONAL CHILDREN HOSPITAL. During the online consultation, the anamnesis, physical condition, data of laboratory and instrumental studies were carefully studied, and the treatment was corrected.


On January 10 and 16, master classes of leading Russian urological surgeons were held at the RSSPMC Pediatrics. So, on January 10, Batrutdinov R.T., Assoc. Department of Pediatric Surgery, North-Western State Medical University named after Mechnikova, director of the uro-nephrological center for children and adolescents, St. Mary Magdalene Children’s City Hospital No. 2, St. Petersburg…


RSSPMC of Pediatrics congratulates everyone on the 29th anniversary of Independence!!! We wish you a peaceful sky over your head, prosperity to the Motherland and every citizen of the country. Once again, we bow before the selfless feat of doctors !!! And we want to tell our story of the difficult fight against Covid-19. Good…


It’s good when you are a master of your craft, but it’s even better when you can talk about your work and know how to dream no matter what. And dreams, as you know, tend to sprout, breaking the thickest walls (Fenny Flegg) !!!! The results of the contest organized by @trolluz have just been…

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