Recently we have received a a letter of thanks addressed to the Department of Gastroenterology !!! It’s always joyful to read such warm lines !!!
While the whole world is in a fever from a coronavirus, we have a great achievement. Surgeons from the RSSMPC of Pediatrics- Yuldashev Rustam and Dekhkonboyev Avaz were awarded a certificate for participation in a global multicenter study of congenital surgical anomalies specifically for Hirschsprung’s disease !!!! Participation in this project opens up new roads…
On March 11, a seminar was held at RSSPMC of Pediatrics for doctors and nurses on the topic: especially dangerous infections. A specially invited specialist from the Agency for Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-being told and clearly presented the necessary equipment in case of detection of especially dangerous infections. As a result of the workshop, testing…
March 9, 2020 at RSSPMC of Pediatrics was celebrated International Women’s Day! The valiant men of our Center congratulated the wonderful employees not only with beautiful words, but also with memorable gifts!
On March 5, 2020, at the RSSPMC of Pediatrics, a scientific and practical conference dedicated to orphan diseases was held. The issues of diagnosis and treatment of such rare hereditary diseases as: cystic fibrosis, mucopolysaccharidosis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with a systemic onset, bullous epidermolysis, thalassemia, hemophilia were considered. Conference materials are freely available on our…
In 2019, Laboratory Department of RSSPMC of Pediatrics successfully participated in an independent external quality control assessment conducted by the Center for External Quality Control of Clinical Laboratory Research (Moscow, Russian Federation). The received certificate testifies the high level of training of specialists and the advanced equipment of our laboratory.
In the framework of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “ON MEASURES FOR FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OF MEDICAL AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE TO CHILDREN WITH RARE (ORPHANE) AND OTHER HEREDITARY-GENETIC DISEASES No. PP-4440 on 09/07/2019″, it is planned to strengthening measures for the early diagnosis and treatment rare (orphane)disease and hereditary genetic diseases…
Chess competitions among children
December 3-4, 2019, the work of THE UZBEK-TURKISH HEALTH BUSINESS FORUM took place, within the framework of which sessions were held on the exchange of experience in the development of healthcare, medical tourism, the pharmaceutical industry, electronic medical records management. Following the results of the first day, the protocols on cooperation between RSSPMC Pediatrics and…