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Don’t Delay, Connect Today


We are happy to announce that The international Grant Project for 2023 funded by ILAR is being implemented by scientific researchers of the pediatric rheumatology department which is titled “Translation of “Don’t Delay, Connect Today” Campaign Toolkit into Uzbek and Karakalpak languages” in our center. EULAR’s ‘Don’t Delay, Connect Today’ campaign toolkit will be translated into Uzbek and Karakalpak languages and disseminated across regional and main hospitals of the Republic of  Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan. The materials will be posted on the official website of our center and shared via social media to have access for all the users.

The ‘Don’t Delay, Connect Today’ campaign aims to educate the general public, health professionals, and policy-makers about the importance of early diagnosis and access to treatment in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). On the basis of this project, our experts will be in all the territories of the Republic and carry out seminars on this theme.

The executors of the project: Ibragimov Abdulbosit, PhD
Kasimova Iroda, MSc

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