Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №4456 from July 24, 2012, “On measures to further improve the system of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers №365 from 28 of December, 2012 “On measures to further improve the system of  postgraduate education and certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel” annually on a competitive basis the center takes professionals to the position of trainee-researcher of the applicant and a senior researcher – competitor in the specialty of pediatric 14.00.19

Currently, a senior researcher – competitor to carry out scientific work the follow  experts:

  1. Nurmatova Nargiza Fathullaevna (Thesis: “Chronic hepatitis B and giardiasis invasion at the children: , correlation modern methods of diagnosis and treatment”).
  2. Tadzhihanova Dono Pulatovna (Thesis: “Mycoplasma pneumonia associated with virus Herpes infection at the children. Treatment Optimization and Forecast”).
  3. Yusupalieva Gulnara Akmalovna (Thesis: “Complex clinical echographic diagnosis of chronic viral hepatitis at the children”).
  4. Dekhkonboyev Avazzhon Abdinomonovich (Thesis: “Diagnosis and surgical treatment of early and late complications of necrotizing enterocolitis at the children”).
  5. Rustam Yuldashev Zafarzhanovich (Thesis: “The reactions of visceral hemodynamics on portosystemic shunt at the children with extrahepatic portal hypertension”).
  6. Saitazizov Khurshid Bashrullaevich (Thesis: “The tactics of surgical treatment of CHD complicated by high pulmonary hypertension in infants”).
  7. Abdullah Rakhimov Haitovich (Thesis: “A comprehensive assessment of the immune system in determining the tactics of the vaccination of children with HIV / AIDS and other secondary immunodeficiency”).

Salikhova K.Sh.

Phone +998 (71) 229-41-22

Aripova D.S.

Phone +998 (71) 228-78-24
