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The presentation of the badge


The presentation of the badge “Ozbekistonda tibbiy turizmni rivojlantirishda qoshgan hissasi uchun” (“For contribution to the development of medical tourism in Uzbekistan”)
November 14, 2021 – on the “Day of Medical Workers” – the honorary badge “Ozbekistonda tibbiy turizmni rivojlantirishda qoshgan hissasi uchun” (“For contribution to the development of medical tourism in Uzbekistan”), established by the Medical Tourism Association of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was presented.
Director of the RSSPMC of Pediatrics, MD, professor Akhmedova D.I. received an honorary badge, which was presented personally by the First Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Sh. Inoyatov, in the nomination “Heads of a 5-star medical institution”.
Head of the Department for the Development of Medical Tourism of the RSSPMC of Pediatrics S.I. Geller received an award from the hands of the Chairman of the Medical Tourism Association A.F. Shukurov in the nomination “Workers of Medical Tourism Departments”.
Congratulations to the winners !!!! We wish you good health and success in your work !!!!!!!!!!






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